Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Remnants (Jillian)

I have come to learn that Agatha Christie's writing desk is currently up for auction. It's made me think of our connections to historical figures (in Abraham Lincoln's pocket watch or Henry VIII's suit of armor... and practically anyone you can name alive or dead under the sun) but most especially writers and artists - how we strive to collect their works and the tools they used to create those works. There is this overwhelming sense of reaching outwards for remnants of those that inspire us... not necessarily to be a part of that creation, but to feel it up close, under the finger tips.

It's also unmistakably creepy. This was the writing desk that launched many of Agatha's novels. The novels remain. The desk is here. But Agatha is gone. And yet, it goes to prove Time is not as impenetrable as we think it is. She is right there... in the dust and the pen markings. Not so far away.


  1. I'm still thinking about this post, in deep ways, I promise, but I just wanted to add 2 trivial things.

    (1) Every time I look at the post, I think of that Alice in Wonderland poem from the Mad Tea Party: "Why is a Raven like a Writing Desk?"
    (2) "Agatha Christie's Writing Desk" is the best tag ever created, and I am sorely tempted to tag every one of my future posts with it! :)



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