Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Death Grip (Michelle)

I just rewatched the end of Series 2 of Doctor Who ("Army of Ghosts"/"Doomsday"). I don't know how many times I've seen this now, but it's still just as fresh. I'm laughing at the 3D glasses, pumping my fist at Cybermen v. Daleks, and crying at the end.

And it's not just "Ohhh, it makes me cry every time, the Doctor and Rose are sooooo cuuuuute." It feels like Russell T Davies has turned me inside out; David Tennant is magnificent, Billie Piper is understated, and I'm hearing Rilke in my head. It's practically a transcendent experience for me, and my brother-in-law on the couch next to me is looking at me like I've gone slightly insane. He's right; it shouldn't be this amazing, should it? It's not exactly Shakespeare!

Some stories just don't let me go. Doctor Who has a death grip. It feels utterly pathetic to be so involved in a story,and I'm trying to remind myself that it's the same thing that makes it possible for me to make my own stories. It just has an annoying way of making me look a fool at the same time.

Why am I advertising my foolishness on the blog? I guess I'm croaking Russell T Davies and David Tennant again to the admiring bog.

Keep ahead of all parting, as if it were behind
you, like the winter that is just now passed.
In winters you are so endlessly winter, you find
that, getting through the winter, your heart
on the whole will last.

(Rilke, Sonnets to Orpheus II.13, trns. C.F. MacIntyre)

1 comment:

  1. Funny you should mention "Doomsday"... Anne and I just watched "The Stolen Earth" and "Journey's End." I am ashamed I didn't bawl like the first three times I've seen this parting of the ways... dang it! I need a good clean cry sometimes! But I sit there goopy-eyed at the screen, grinning and grinning. Rose with the Doctor on Bad Wolf Bay... squee!

    I am so glad we share affection for these characters and stories... even when the tears don't come. Isn't it amazing how much joy can be found in the most unexpected places! Well, friend, it has a death grip on me, too... this constant obsession with the evolution of the Doctor's relationship with Rose... and Rose as the ultimate companion, always destined to spend eternity with him. I could go on, but perhaps we should save that for a chat!



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