It has been roughly 13 months since I posted here, also roughly longer than that since I withdrew myself from Twitter and stopped visiting other writing blogs. I thought no one would notice, and no one did... until this week. Kind anonymous soul who noticed my silence, thank you for getting my attention! Bok choy roses - what a great image to end on.
Where in blazes have I been? Writing and rewriting my novel. The same novel? Dude! Yes, the same novel. But as I'm trying to deep-delve into this brand new draft, it has taken up a lot of my creative energy... simply because I'm in new territory and am just now starting to see where it is going. Also, working a full-time job takes its toll.
Why withdraw? Our readership has never been massive, and I am increasingly overwhelmed by the chaos of the internet. It was not the same world it was when Michelle came to me with the idea for Daedalus in 2008. Twitter most certainly didn't exist as the ubiquitous soapbox-opera that it is today. Every time I happen to visit a blog, or advice on blogging, there is always some push to be making a lot of noise, draw a lot of attention, be "stellar", market yourself, etc, when I all I want to do is write and have thoughtful interactions with other writers. Twitter doesn't work for me, simply because I can't keep up with it. There are too many voices and only so little time.
Blogging is a lot of work. But it still appeals to me as a project completely within my control. Others might argue that pursuing writing jobs at publications is a better career choice, but that isn't my goal. I want to connect with people, but not because I want to sell them something. That was the idea behind Daedalus Notes. Soon, I hope to have a fresh, new blog to begin again.
Feel free to peruse our old posts and ideas, and - please, please, please - let us know your thoughts by leaving comments. There will be updates on my new project in the very near future. Take care!
So glad to see your post! I have quasi-abandoned my blog, as well. I really wanted to get back into it, but this summer was a never-ending string of hits and I couldn't quite get the motivation to start posting regularly again. I really do miss it. Maybe when the weather starts cooperating (i.e. cools down as I do NOT do well in heat) I will feel more like doing it.
ReplyDeleteBut on a positive note, my daughter and I are headed to England in October! This will be her first time, my third. I CAN'T WAIT!
Hope the writing continues to go well for you. :)