I couldn't resist. Today's word is...
silly season
silly season is a period of time (particularly late summer) when the mass media often focus on trivial or silly matters for lack of major news, or, more generally, a period marked by frivolous, outlandish or illogical activity or behavior. Cough, cough, politics, cough.
Today is election day, which means we've been in a silly season for countless weeks... counting down to the poles, pitting Candidate A against Candidate B (and vice versa), mud slung here, mud smeared there. I imagine bread and circuses, a junior high cafeteria food fight, or revels to rival (hee hee) Carnivale. It has been exhausting, and I am quite eager for today's "festivities" to be over at last.
I hope you don't take this post as indifference to election day. No, actually, it's very important. This is free speech at work! Please vote. Take it seriously. The silly season is the meaningless part of the election - the day to day predictions and the analyzing of rhetorical minutiae. Today is the day that matters, when the candidates quiet down and we have our say. Good luck!