Thursday, November 13, 2008

Beware Not Writing (Michelle)

I have been much occupied, in the past week and a half, with things other than writing. Madly turning in graduate school applications, making lots of free-lance dinero, that sort of thing.

And I discovered that NOT writing (writing for myself, that is) apparently makes me very angry. It's odd, because I went for years in college when I hardly wrote anything besides papers --- I was lucky if I crafted a poem once a month. And yet here I was, just a couple of days without free-write pages or novel diddling, and I was becoming incredibly irritable.

Julia Cameron, whom I quote far too often, talks (in a way rather likely to make the unsentimental reader snort) about the "artist child." Simply put, she thinks that everyone's artist is a not-very-rational little kid who needs attention and love and grows bratty without it. This, according to her, is why so many artists are self-centered or dysfunctional --- because they are not kind to their "artist-child." I don't know if I would put it exactly that way, but there does seem to be something here.

I've been spending the last two years resurrecting myself as writer --- and that part of myself had been pretty thoroughly buried ("mostly dead all day") because it was too risky. Now, it would seem, the writer is back with a vengeance, and determined not to be buried again.

This is great, really, because it means that I really am quite likely to keep writing, no matter what. As Gillian Welch puts it in her beautiful song "Everything Is Free": "I'm gonna do it anyway / Even if it doesn't pay." But it's also extremely inconvenient, because it means that at the times of my life when other responsibilities are pushing hard, I'm going to find myself defiantly staying up late, as I did the past two nights, to write mediocre and sleepy prose.

So, I had never particularly cared for the Hulk as a character before. I find it hard to empathize with extremely green superheroes with very fake looking muscles. But now I'm not so sure. I was definitely feeling a little green rage when I wasn't writing. Maybe the Hulk just needs a good free-write.


  1. I totally agree with you on the Hulk thing. I think that is why I get so testy when I try to write at work... because the atmosphere seems to be (but really isn't) geered towards me not writing. And then I tempted to turn on people with a "Hulkish" "How dare you interfere in my creative process! I will crush you! Mwahahhaa!"

    For me it is an identity thing. If I am not writing am I a writer? Or just some thing taking up space in front of a television?

    Yikes! I'm a writer! I must write or I will go insane. If I haven't already!

  2. YES on the identity thing. I know just what you mean. There's a Faulkner quote floating around somewhere to the tune of "Try not to be a writer. Try to be writing." I love that. Because it's really easy to TALK writing to death, but if I'm not putting words on paper with some regularity, I feel like a poser!



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